Traveling as much as I do I have come to understand that to really know a country I have to get to know the people.
Followers of this blog will know that I have already posted several photos of people I have met.
This afternoon, my students were working on the presentations that they will give on the final day, tomorrow. So, I took the opportunity to take a walk along the main road that is out side the gates of the university. To say it is bustling would be to understate the activity. It is more like a mad scene from a bad dream. I was almost run over by 1 bicyclist, several rickshaws, a car, and a couple of motor bikes. Drivers just don't care about pedestrians. It is pedestrian be on the double look-out.
But I did meet a lot of people. So many that I really had difficulty deciding what to post for today's photo. Finally I compromised with myself and I am posting three.
The photo of the grandfather and grandson was just a wonderful opportunity. They were on the swing set. There were people sitting in this park and kids riding bikes. The grandfather looked at me directly as if beckoning me to take the photo -- so I did.
(Photos taken with Nikon D200)
EXIF f5.3 1/60 sec ISO 400 FL127mm
Apparently school had let out as I was on my walk because there were a host of kids on the road. These two boys were really interested in me and where I came from. They had very good English for such young boys. Of course I took their photos. They were delighted that I did and loved that they could see the image. You can see the beauty of the Indian people in these boys.
EXIF f20 1/100 ISO 400 FL69mm
Finally, just about as I was returning to the KLE Univ campus I met this man. I argued with myself how old he is. He couldn't speak any English and we were limited to communicating by hand gestures. However old he is, he is old by Indian standards. I just love his face and demeanor.
f20 1/80sec ISO 400 FL 127mm