f4.9 | 1/125s | ISO 200 | Panasonic Lumix
While walking we saw this bird sitting on the side of the road. At first I thought it was a Wild Turkey, but as we approached it lifted off. Definitely not a Wild Turkey. Pat thought it was a hawk. My guess was a Turkey Vulture, as it had a huge wingspan and was ugly as a Turkey, with that red neck and strange beak. Later we consulted our "Field Guide to the Birds East of the Rockies" and also some photos on the web. Confirmed: a Turkey Vulture. When it took off, it really lifted, with those huge wings beating.
This "monster" was on the wall at the entrance to the apartment we are staying at in the Pocono Mountains.
It is a "Luna Moth" which lives only about 1 week. Adults like this one have no mouth and hence do not eat (explaining why they live only a week). The Luna Moth adult lives only to breed. Apparently we were fortunate to see this one, as, while common, they are difficult to find.
f2.8 | 1/15s | ISO 160 | iPhone