Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 19, 2011 -- Rosemoor Hotel

Once this building was a lovely hotel, probably. Located on Jackson Blvd, on the near west side of the Chicago Loop, according to Yelp.com it supposedly has a lovely lobby and interestingly designed rooms.  Another review on mojo.myfoxchicago.com notes that the manager says they rent rooms "by the hour." Driving past this hotel for the past 16 years, I have never seen anyone going in or out of the place.  I modified the photo using a tone adjuster and Photoshop CS5 to bring out the lights. The photo was taken at about 5PM.

f3.8 | 1/15s | ISO 800 | Lumix

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 18, 2011 -- Giving me grief

Walking along Wood Street by the east entrance to the medical school building I was accosted by this squirrel. Although I tried talking sweetly to her/him there was no desisting. Cajole the creature as I might the racket continued. I could have just walked inside, close as I was, but it suddenly hit me. A photo must be wanted. So I pulled out the Lumix from my pocket and shot off three pictures. Sadly that was not the desire. Chattering and abuse continued. So I did what was likely what was really desired: I went inside and away.

In addition to the flash, I did some post processing with Nik Sharpener Pro 3.0 and Nik Viveza 2 to bring increase some of the detail.

f4.6 | 1/320s with flash | ISO 250 | Lumix

October 17, 2011 -- Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I like how this important cause has made the mainstream. Everywhere I look I see the now famous pink ribbons. Please join me in supporting this cause. More money can help to fund more research and more awareness marketing. 

f3.3 | 1/20s | ISO 400 | Lumix

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 16, 2011 -- Still Budding

While we have not had a frost, lots of my plants are starting to brown off and die, ready to be tilled under or made into compost. But this lovely little bud is new and has small siblings as well. I took this photo on October 16. It was 52 that morning on my deck. I'll be interested to see if this willful bud makes it to bloom.   I hope it does. I always like effort. 

To add the vibrancy that I saw and felt to this photo, I embellished it in the "digital lab" by mimicking the old GAF 500 slide film. "During the early 1970's the fastest color slide film available was GAF 500. It had an ISO of 500 at a time when Kodak's fastest slide film, High Speed Ektachrome, had a speed of 180. This film went out of production late in that same decade." [http://www.unomaha.edu/afghan/techinfo/SLIDES.HTM]

f3.3 | 1/30s | ISO 800 | Lumix

October 15, 2011 -- Witches' Brew

First it was "Hallow Eve" an early Christian/Pagan event. Now Halloween has been adulterated. It is screaming Freddy. Ax hefting monsters, ghouls, vampires and every conceivable creature to scare the living hell out of kids and even some adults. Lots of people decorate their houses and yards in anticipation of the hordes of kids who will be coming by to demand "trick or treat." 

My son and daughter-in-law do a "haunted basement" for the families in their neighborhood. I'll be featuring that effort later.

I captured this scene while on a gentle walk. Standing by these manikins as they swayed slightly in the breeze was momentarily unnerving. <wink>

f3.3 | 1/80s | ISO 80 | Lumix

Octobeer 14, 2011 -- Crossed Arms

I shot this out of the train window. My goal that day was actually trying to get images of people walking as the train began moving, getting a blurred movement. But when I later looked at this photo, I thought the body language of the two people with arms crossed was interesting. What were they both watching and thinking about? Was it the same thing? Were they upset, tired, disinterested?  

I added the look of a Kodak ultracolor 100 UC film print to "deliver an extra punch of color. KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA COLOR Films / 100UC and 400UC feature deep, saturated color to bring subjects to life, without sacrificing skin tone." [Kodak film insert information]

f3.7 | 1/25s | ISO 800 | Lumix

October 13, 2011 -- Conversation

I have documented through several photos the progress of my wife's mother as her dementia has progressed. Here they are in conversation. 

f3.3 | 1/30s | ISO 320 | Lumix

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 12, 2011 -- Morning Buddha

I have a Buddha statue that sits on a shelf in our bay-window. On this morning I noticed, for the first time, how the light created this silhouette. Taken with available light. No flash with ISO 1000. Pretty low noise. 

f3.3 | 1/15s | ISO 1000 | Lumix

October 11, 2011 -- Sacred and Profane

This scene speaks for itself.

f3.3 | 1/200s | ISO 320 | Lumix

October 10, 2011 -- Golden Leaves

This shot looks north from Polk Street into the Rush University campus in the Illinois Medical District. This year it seems that there is an unusual abundance of these lovely golden leaves. I thought the scene looked like the almost "classic" college setting.

f4 | 1/200s | ISO 80 | Lumix

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 9, 2011 -- Forest Path

I seem to be fixated on the glorious colors of the various seasons. As an avid hiker and biker, I love to immerse myself within what I think of as "the glory of nature". Just watch the colors change. Just listen to the rustle of  forest floor as a squirrel or chipmunk searches for food. Smell the forest and feel it. This photo reminded me of something from Thoreau or Emerson or Wallace Stevens. 

The setting is within a mile of my home. 

f3.3 | 1/100 | ISO 160 | Panasonic Lumix

October 8, 2011 -- Running Deer

This is the kind of photo that great photographers do. It is also the kind of photo that crappy photographers do. In truth, I am happy with this. I like the color and I definitely like the fact that I was able to catch this doe in full flight.  It was taken at Starved Rock State Park in Utica Illinois. The circumstance was that a number of people along the tail saw this doe feasting on the fall delicacies that the prairie brings. Everyone was quiet. Suddenly "Daddy, that's a deer", sprang up. And so did the doe. The rest is seen in this photo.

 f6.3 | 1/15s | ISO 100 | Nikon D200 

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7, 2011 -- Trees: Colors are Popping

Suddenly here they are, the oranges and reds, vivid reminders that Autumn is in full swing. We call Autumn its name because it is the afterlife that exists past summer. But Autumn is also a harbinger of Winter that brings a harsh beauty. Enjoy this last warm colors.

f3.3 | 1/100 | ISO 80 | Lumix

October 6, 2011 -- Late Daisies or Aster

I am in love with the flowers of autumn. 

f3.3 | 1/100s | ISO 80 | Lumix

October 5, 2011 -- Sunrise on the Kennedy Expressway

At certain times of the year sunrise occurs directly into the faces of eastbound drivers traveling on the northern section of the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago. Such was the case at 6:49 on this day.

I used my iPhone, was able to capture two images, and continued into the drive. This was taken from the inside lane. Had I been in the third lane to the left, the problem would have been greater. In this image, I modified by making it look like an old Kodachrome II print using Alien Skin Exposure 3. (Planes landing west at Ohare airport fly right down this stretch. You can see a plane coming.)

f2.8 | 1/560s | ISO 80 | iPhone

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 4, 2011 -- Amusement Rides Navy Pier

This photo is an HDR composite of three shots taken from the slow moving Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier in Chicago.  I liked that the colors were so dominant and that it is a view that most of us don't get. I also like that the reds and oranges are complimented by the fall flowers in the background.


Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011 -- Seated

I tried to capture what I was feeling as I took this shot by manipulating the image by bleaching it out and intensifying the guy and the bicycles.

f5 | 1/200s | ISO 400 | Lumix

October 2, 2011 -- Ellie says, "Here I come!"

This is Claire's sister Ellie, a child who is a bruiser and who has few fears. Here she is negotiating her slide for about the 15th time in a row. What a wonderful child! I love her.

f2.8 | 1/15s | ISO 800 (no flash) | iPhone

October 1, 2011 -- Autumn's Colorful Bounty

Our farmer's market was just brimming with color. I love this season.

f3.3 | 1/60s | ISO 80 | Lumix

Sunday, October 2, 2011

September 30, 2011 -- My Jeep

This is my 1997 Jeep. I am selling it fostering great sadness. I have loved this car, but I realize two things: 1) it is exacerbating my left knee arthritis (earned from early racket ball traumas) and 2) it is beginning to cost me more in gas that I like to pay.  I will miss you, baby.  PS: it runs really well. I am selling for half the Blue Book rate if anyone wants to buy it. 

f3.3 | 1/30s | ISO 100 | Lumix

September 29, 2011 - Early Fall Leaves

Inexorably, Autumn is arriving. 

f3.3 | 1/30s | ISO 125 | Lumix

September 28, 2011 -- Flu Shot

This is actually a self-shot, shot of a shot. I held my Lumix in my right arm extended and aimed as best I could. It was pretty much of a "shot in the dark" to capture the action correctly. But I targeted it correctly. To those who cannot bear inoculations, my apologies. And to those who hate my puns...well I am sorry to be needling you.

f 3.3 | 1/30s | ISO 160 | Lumix

September 27, 2011 -- Housing Market for Sale

These are signs of the times. I continue to be saddened by this horrible economic condition we are in. As well, I feel very sorry for people who have to sell their homes. There are many side-by-side homes for sale in my community.

f4.3 | 1/40s | ISO 400 | Lumix

September 26, 2011 -- September Flowers

Two flowers still blooming in my neighborhood. Soon we'll be getting a frost and this kind of beauty will end.

 f4.8 | 1/50s ev -0.33| ISO 320 | Nikon D200 50mm

 f6.3 | 1/30s ev -0.33| ISO 320 | Nikon D200 50mm

Saturday, October 1, 2011

September 25, 2011 -- Claire in her Brian Urlacher jersey

A portrait that says it all. Children's smiles and eyes are wonderful.

f2.0 | 1/15s | ISO 100 | Nikon D200 | 50mm

September 24, 2011 -- Jackson Hotel

Driving through central Colorado from the southwest on US 285 is a real experience. The road travels generally northeast to Denver. Shy of the 50 miles or so southwest of Denver the road is essentially empty, or at least it was on this Saturday morning. It passes through large valleys from which looking west one can see many of the "fourteen-ers" and other higher snow capped Rocky mountains. When it goes through the mountain passes, they are somewhat lower than those west or south, but the views are still spectacular. Often, too, the road travels through small towns, like  Poncha Springs, where I took this photo of the Jackson Hotel. The sign just below the hotel name reads "EST - 1878". 

f5.6 | 1/800s | ISO 400 | Lumix