Monday, November 14, 2011

October 30, 2011 -- Death on the Kennedy Expressway

This was horrible. It was Sunday morning. I had gone to UIC to get some important papers that I wanted to read when Pat and I were to be in Des Moines. I spotted some smoke that was spontaneously occuring a few hundred yards in front of me. As I approached I saw a horrible scene. A car had completely rolled over. It had just happened. I pulled over and ran to the car along with 3-4 other people. On the side of the road sat and stood about 5 or 6 bloody and dazed, moaning and crying children and teens. Someone said that there was still a person in the car. We considered trying to right the car but in the moment of that thought, a physician appeared, located the person in the car and attempted to feel for pulses. He said it was a woman and she had expired. He left. I was distraught, "how could he leave? Something had to be done. How did he know for certain that she had died?" 

The woman you see in this photo appeared. She started to try to enter the car. I said, "What are you doing? Are you a physician or a nurse?" She said, "I'm a firefighter," and proceeded to squeezer her way into the mess that was that car. Locating the woman's chest she began chest compression. By that time another woman, an EMT (both these persons were off duty), also entered the car and traded off with the firefighter. They both agreed the victim was most likely dead. By this time the ambulance and fire engines had arrived and I was told to leave the scene. You can see the fireman's leg on the side. At this moment they were trying to pry the doors open.

You may wonder how I could take photos in this horrible situation -- I am a photographer. I document all the elements of life as I see them. As horrible as this was, it is a part of the life we live. Although I have photos of the likely dead person, I will not share them. 

I was upset by this event for the rest of the day. By the way, the accident occurred because someone cut across the car causing this deceased driver to loose control. I feel so sad for those children who have lost their mother, aunt, grandmother, friend, protector. 

f2.8 | 1/25s | ISO 80 | Lumix

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